So I've got the PC parts sorted, I'll show you specifics later when I've built it.
I already have a few decent games on steam, a few humblebundles and the likes but was definitely looking to invest in the valve pack and various other games on steam,
Check my inventory :
I must give a shout-out to Appox for all his help! You should all check this guy out! He has some awesome videos! Check his youtube channel HERE!
But for good measure I have added a few of them below! Enjoy
Boxes Can Confuse
They Are Watermelons - Ep4 - Rainbows
Check him out! He's a cool guy!
Well done on the building your own PC scene... it's turning into a lost art these days.
ReplyDeleteHi. I noticed your question on the Blogger forums that was asking what we thought of your blog?
ReplyDeleteI like it. The genre is not my style but I think this is amazing. The background is nice, I like your banner and title and it's a good blog. Don't give up. You may not have alot of viewers but do not stop posting.
Yes, but is he single?
ReplyDeleteEyes on the prize :)