Friday, 9 September 2011

A "Get Well Soon" to Reggie Campbell!

First off I must apologize,  have not been on a computer since my post on Sunday as I left my laptop over my nans and have been over my mums and out and about, however I haven't had all that much to write about.

Today I finally booted up the old desktop here to try and get back into the techno-loop and catch up with current events,

Popped onto Facebook as you do and scrolled down the "news feed" and saw a lot of posts on a lad I went to school with's wall, he was more friends with my brother but he was a decent chap, posts like "Thinking of you", "Hope you are O.K"...This enticed me to click on his profile and have a ganders,

Reggie has been a military lad all his life (from my memory anyway), living on the barracks and then joining up when he left school, so my instant thought was "shit something has happened to Reg' I scrolled down all the posts until I spotted one from his dad, here's what it read.

Reggie Campbell
"All the Family would like to thank everyone for their kind messages, texts and emails for our Son Reggie who was shot and wounded this morning in Afghanistan.
On the bright side we have been informed he is currently eating a Tuna Sandwich and will be ok! any updates we get we will keep you informed many thanks!
Please remember to support all our Soldiers from his Dad love you Son xo"

People don't realize how dangerous it is out there for our army lads and when something like this happens it drowns you in a realization that these men are literally putting their lives on the line for our well-being, I do not know where he was shot, or how badly he was hurt but a war wound is a war wound, all I do know is that Reggie is a fighter and is on his road to recovery, chicks dig war wounds? eh?

Below are a few pictures of Reggie,



I guess the main reason for this little post is to encourage those who are not from a military background or aware of the on goings in afghan and the likes to maybe give a little thought and say a little prayer and show some support for those who are out there fighting for us, those we have lost and those who have been injured along the way.

Thoughts and prayers go to Reggie on his road to recovery and to all our soldiers out there,

Keep Safe!


  1. Chicks dig scars. He's set for life with the ladies now. Hope he gets better soon too, he does seem to be on the road to recovery. Things like this tend to cause more psychological damage too, so I hope that doesn't become an issue.

  2. That's sweet of you, hope reggie makes a speedy recovery.

  3. I don't know that reggie fella, but everyone that put his life at risk for his country, is A ok in my book and wish him the best

  4. Glad Reggie is okay, and God bless him. Don't you be forgetting your laptops anymore, either, I enjoy your blog too much. O.-
