Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Shocking Fun!

Was sat in the garden happily lappytapping and suddenly took a shock to my pinky, my arm flailed in the air and I was all "WTF" being stupid and curious I poked the headphone jack on my Acer where I thought the shock originated..oh look just shocked myself again!

I looked around the interwebs, and found fook all help, I thought it could be the fact I am using an extension lead as I was sat in the garden, so I moved into the shed and plugged lappy direct into the wall, the power cable shocked me before I could even plug it in..Having been shocked approximately 5-8 times I decided to turn my laptop off and move to the upstairs computer, did a bit more searching and came across some "Earthing" lark, I plugged my cable in upstairs and poked the connection, I guess this is a pretty stupid thing to do, poking a lead that has already electrocuted me various times, nothing happened.

I assume the electrical wiring and set up down the garden is different to that in the house, I will attempt to connect my laptop up later and let you know if I get a shock!

Just filling you in with my action packed day!


  1. Use your new found electrical powers wisely, with great power comes great responsibility.

  2. Them laptops man... Always shocking or burning you.

  3. Haha strange, rather you than me :P

  4. haha ammonkey.

    I know that feel rofl

  5. hhaha, pretty action packed :P

  6. That funny, I deliberately shocked myself in the testicles with my phone today. We have so much in common.

  7. ahh i hated getting electrical shocked like the static ones u get from the car when you close the door :S

  8. that is one intense day! ahah, might want to check your outside wiring.

  9. Elliot is a creep
