Sunday, 29 March 2015

Update from a land down under. . .

Hey folks. So I've been is this magical land down under since December. Oh how time flies. These past 4 months I've met some incredible people. Some crazy scousers, cute Dutch girls, adorable Germans, Italians who I'm trying to teach English, a couple of Scots , some kiwis, some kids from Cambridge, Americans, Canadians, French, Spanish, the lot.

Its been an up and down adventure, from my first day in Melbourne, to Xmas day with the girls, to new years by the harbour with the kiwis, to the mountains with the Scots and Canadians and Italians and Germans, to the trips out in Sydney with the Language Exchange..

Its been a right laugh. The past month I've been living in Katoomba, Blue Muountains. Its been great. Met some cool kids, explored the mountains, the walks, the views, and the waterfalls. Its been truly beautiful. The people I've met on this journey I sincerely hope to stay in touch with, and if they ever venture to the lands of Cambridge (and I am home) they know they are more than welcome to stay!!

So the next leg on my journey is soon to kick off, my good friend and ever learning (badly/ how to speak English) Andrea from Italy and I, with another friend of his, are going to be looking to get a van, to then drive inland a bit to search for some farming work to provide us with a 2nd year visa. Once we get that out of the way we will be exploring around in our van stopping wherever we please to party, explore and enjoy this adventure we are on together.

So its nearly my birthday, April 9th. I cannot wait. Spending my 25th in a country like Australia is a dream come true. I really hope everything works out and we manage to find farm work asap to get that out of the way (and hopefully save some cash) so that we can really enjoy ourselves and go wild towards the end of the year.

Don't get me wrong, I miss my family, I miss my friends, the gang, the work lot, my adorable niece, my brothers and sisters and all folk from home. But I'm having a bloody laugh out here with these nutters and I wouldn't change it for the world.

If you want to make my birthday a truly magical time feel free to kick in some bucks to the funds. Past month I've been working to keep myself above ground but funds are depleting. Any donations will be greatly received. In return I'll send you an enthusiastic postcard. Hit me up for bank details if you wanna send me a happy birthday present, or Xmas one if you forgot x x